Cannot install INTEL and NVIDIA VGA driver on my ACER ASPIRE T3-600 computer


Dec 25, 2015
Hi, its my first time to post here and I hope, someone could help me. I performed a clean installation of 64 bit Windows 8, to my ACER Aspire T3-600 computer (here's the specs: and I downloaded the drivers from the website of ACER, here: and when I install the Intel VGA (Name of Driver: VGA_Intel_9.17.10.2792_W8x64_A), it just says that "This computer does not meet the minimum requirements for installing the software", same result also with NVIDIA driver (Name of Driver: VGA_NVIDIA_9.18.13.0614_W8x64_A), it cannot be installed and I was like, what happen?. I am wondering why it says that my computer does not meet the minimum requirements when I downloaded the drivers from its manufacturer, which is ACER. I hope someone can help me. It will be much appreciated. Thank you and God Bless .

Thank you for the reply Laptop_Nerd. I forgot to mention that I've performed a clean installation of windows 8 on my computer so it means, it doesn't have any software or graphics drivers installed on it so using DDU still not solved my problem after I've tried it and follow the link that you give. 🙁

Yes. I already install other drivers from the Acer Website. The only drivers that I cannot install are the VGA Drivers which I think is the most important drivers 🙁 I've tried downloading the drivers from the Intel and Nvidia websites. I've spent many days doing this since I'm a busy person and fortunately, I've found a driver from Nvidia and it works perfectly on my computer. The only driver that I cannot find is the Intel.

I tried it now but still, it says that "It doesn't meet the minimum requirements for installing the software"