Hi, its my first time to post here and I hope, someone could help me. I performed a clean installation of 64 bit Windows 8, to my ACER Aspire T3-600 computer (here's the specs: http
/villman.com/Product-Detail/Acer_T3-600) and I downloaded the drivers from the website of ACER, here: http
/www.acer.com.ph/ac/en/PH/content/drivers and when I install the Intel VGA (Name of Driver: VGA_Intel_9.17.10.2792_W8x64_A), it just says that "This computer does not meet the minimum requirements for installing the software", same result also with NVIDIA driver (Name of Driver: VGA_NVIDIA_9.18.13.0614_W8x64_A), it cannot be installed and I was like, what happen?. I am wondering why it says that my computer does not meet the minimum requirements when I downloaded the drivers from its manufacturer, which is ACER. I hope someone can help me. It will be much appreciated. Thank you and God Bless .