The problem is that the Drivers & Downloads page of ASUS is very poorly maintained / updated.
It is very dependant on which motherboard you have selected on this page, as to your ability to find the latest software you need.
You may find all your latest drivers and software for the very popular motherboards, but for the less popular motherboards a lot of related software just isn't listed, or is not updated.
For those people who are calling people with this problem "idiots" or "stupid", i suggest starting the download page by selecting the motherboard and OS of the people who reported the problem and THEN see if you can find it. Instead of selecting your own motherboard, and looking at the world from only your own perspective.
I suppose you could search for your software by selecting on of the popular motherboards, but then, how do you know if the software you're downloading is suitable for your own motherboard, and won't do any harm by running it?
I decided not to take the risk and contacted ASUS technical support. I suggest you do the same.