Cant fix fps no matter what i do

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May 12, 2018
Hello i need some help with my Acer laptop (Acer aspire V3-772G) These are my specs [Intel core i7] 2.20ghz 8-Ram 64-bit Geforce 750m. I want to play the game fortnite i should be able to run it decent but sadly i cant please help in anway thanks <3

I cleaned all the dust but i was hoping i could fix this thing so i could play for some time next month i'm getting the pc from my brother but i guess i can try if i didnt screw the fan right or something like that


You perhaps got a picture of what of those heat pipes look like?

They are made up of copper and when you have opened up the back plate those heat pipes must be connected to your fan at the side ! Plus to clean it throughly I suggest you to take the whole thing out and then clean if there's any dust and also re apply thermal paste on GPU and CPU scince you have already taken apart Everything so right now might be the good time for doing it !

What if i dont have thermal paste? and tobehonest i dont wanna mess it all up and open it again it took long since i had to look up a video on my phone and stuff mehh i dont know dude


Alright bro here is the thing i know you are afraid and be thinking you might mess your laptop up .. so here is the thing there is no reward if you play it safe you gotta take the risks man and just buy a thermal paste and re apply it not much of a big deal plus at the other you gain some experience and at the when your problem gets solved that one of the best feelings you could ever experience !

Thats true i guess i also learned alot of opening my laptop knowing how to open stuff and shit maybe i can buy some thermal paste or something like that i'll see