Cant fix fps no matter what i do


May 12, 2018
Hello i need some help with my Acer laptop (Acer aspire V3-772G) These are my specs [Intel core i7] 2.20ghz 8-Ram 64-bit Geforce 750m. I want to play the game fortnite i should be able to run it decent but sadly i cant please help in anway thanks <3

I would like too know
1. Which all settings have u used in the game ?
2.Have u tried using ge force experience to optimize the game for u for best performance ?
3.How old IS ur laptop? What is its resolution ?
4.Specifications in detail along with their generation !

I've tried to put all the settings on low in fortnite even in the game folder where you can see all the detailed settings like grass and stuff. I have tried using ge force experience but that did not help at all. My laptop is from 2014. I dont quite understand number 4

LAst one means the specifications of ur laptop .. For example
Intel core i3 7100 3.8 ghz
gtx 750 ti 4gb oc
ram 8 gb ddr4 2400 mhz
LIKe these can u list urs !! These could be ver helpfull
ALSo the resolution of ur laptop monitor and the resolution u usually game at in fortnite ?

Uhm i think my specifications are right up there dont you see them? my resolution is 1920x1080 i tried fortnite and windowed full screen nothing helped really it still got like 10 20 fps.


I See the main problem for such performance is ur GPU it has a 3d mark score of 1721 while the game minimum requirements need a gtx 660 which has 3d mark arround 4231 .. So there u have it if u still want to play try reducing ur resolution until the point ur game feel playable !

I've reduced the game resolution by 1080x1080 or something like that still nothing

HAve u tried reducing it to 800x600 ??

I tried what you said but it was pretty much 1 - 5 fps right there

Then I think it the end of the line .. Sorry to say but u should consider on buying a new laptop or MAke a new 500 dollar gaming pc which will be much more cheaper than the laptop u buy for gaming !

Damn to sad to hear that i could game fortnite a few months back but i dont have money for that stuff so i'll try to get some sort of job i guess thanks for helping me bro much love <3

No probs my freind !! BUt i am really sorry that we coudn't do what u wanted but Still !! Well wishs from me Whn u consider building a new pc or a new laptop !

Thanks man good luck to you to :)

Are you sure it's running on the gtx 750m and not on the intel hd graphics. The absolute minimum to run fortnite at 720p 30 fps is intel hd 4600 which your 750m outclasses.

Try installing msi afterburner and see which gpu gets used.

I did what you said it said i was using my geforce 750m so i think thats fine the problem may be becouse i opent my laptop becouse i wanted to clean the dust i did that but after that my laptop got really bad so i think something went wrong there

Is it being utilized when the game is running?

Yeh that seems fine but what i've noticed i tried this while playing league btw that the tempreture goes to about 92-90
and the game lags so bad that the people i'm calling with lag to so i dont know i can try to open my laptop and see whats wrong with my fan maybe, maybe becouse i accidently tore of some tape of the fan i dont know whats it for but idk if that has to do anything with it

The laptop is overheating. Dust is in the way or the thermalpaste went bad.