jennnyyy :
hi i started my computer and logged in the first thing that came up is the reg pro cleaner i cant get past it cant go in to my control pannel only in to my task manager what do i do ??!!
i have windows 8
http/ This was info about a win 7 system. I found AVG identified the program as a PUP but did not completely remove it. It may be in program files under a file called RPC. It may also exist in the registry under hkey current user, and hkey local machine (software) under distromatic, systweak and Reg clean Pro or Reg Pro cleaner, or all 3. It may also have dll's in windows/system32 and it may have references in common desktop, common programs, and users/appdata etc etc etc. The link I show in the post following the link here
https/ shows ~20 locations where you may have to manually remove. It still may hide in other locations, such as RPC under program files or program files X86. Malwarebytes did not find it, F-Secure did not find it, and AVG failed to remove it. You might try Adwcleaner as it has various recos. No guarantee.
Task manager can usually stop the program from running temporarily. It may also show path/file location of the program to assist manual removal if u go under processes, right click on the information bar above and click on open file location. This means u have to id each process associated with the application. RPC does show as running in Task Manager under applications. AVG might find it before u attempt any manual removal if u go into options, and then check all options to find and remove/quarantine all PUP's as well as malware and viruses. Inspect all programs etc.. Do a full and thorough computer scan before manual cleaning, as manual cleaning might make it harder for the anti viruse software to remove it as a PUP. A PUP is not a virus as such but a really annoying potentially unwanted program that wastes your entire day/week and locks up your computer from any kind of real usage. Why they don't call it a virus is a mystery. Running 4 virus scanners and finally finding it with the help of aVG tech using a special search program and removing it myself by hand was my only option. U might be able to do the same. Good luck.
Never ever download trial registry cleaner programs. None are worth it. Some drive cleaner programs do temporary speed up. It might last a month. AT the end of the day, XP and win 7 need complete drive wiping and reinstallation and removal of ALL suspect crap. Zero day trojans run by the NSA and various governments, russian and chinese gangs abound and are very hard to combat. They are after your data. True lockdown and hardening means staying off the internet with anything but a sneaker net connection, and double scanning any programs or file with a beat up box. Even in the 90's it took three or four anti virus scanners to find the greater portion of infections. This is rather expensive so people went back to the free stuff. Bitdefender, AVG and Avast aren't bad. Read the PC Reviews. Unfortunately unless u install some of them in different partitions, they might remove the other one. AVG and MAlwarbytes co exist but AVG is only good if u enable all its possible actions under Options, and all scans too. And do a FULL computer scan with everything shut down, once every few days.
According to AVG tech, full scans do not work in windows safe mode. Other sources I asked said run AVG in safe mode. I defer to AVG tech on this one.
DO INSTALL classic shell on that POC windoze 8 machine. http
/ It gives u back your start button and file system access. XP or win 7 interface.
Good luck. YOu will need it.