Can't install VPN Client

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Jun 23, 2017
I have been using Nord VPN for most of the year. And then my hard disk crashed.

I have been trying, unsuccessfully, for the last few weeks to re-install the Nord VPN client. It operates all the way up to the point where it has copied the files. Then it halts the final installation and instructs me to "Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."

I have run the installation as administrator, I have shut off my anti-virus and malware protection programs, and I have changed the permissions on the user accounts. I have even tried installing using the hidden administrator account...all to no avail.

I have more than 400 days left on my contract, so switching to another VPN seems like a huge waste of money.

...and I am out of ideas. Anyone know what I might try next?
I have the same problem: I used NordVPN for more than a year, then I could not update it at all. I uninstalled the program NordVPN and now I cannot installed back. I tried several times, but I receive the message:"Service "nordvpn-service" (nordvpn-service) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services"

I purchased a new hard drive and tried to re-install the Nord client and that's when I encountered the nefarious message that continues to dog both my and NordVPN's efforts to reinstall the client.

The latest iteration of this was this set of instructions, which resulted in a client install that repeatedly crashes the moment I try to input my username:

Please, open Windows PowerShell (Click on the Windows menu. Type power. Select 'Windows PowerShell' ) and follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the folder where NordVPNSetup.exe is located. For example: C:/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Downloads/ . You can navigate to this folder via PowerShell by running this command:

cd C:/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Downloads/

2. Then extract NordVPN files by running this command:

.\NordVPNSetup.exe /extract

Please note that these commands are forwarded to specific folders and files, so the names must match the ones that are on your system.
3. Now in your Downloads folder should be a new folder with a random name, such as 'A359C0D'. This folder will have the consistency of NordVPN files. Please open it and run NordVPN.exe.

So, I am still stumped and looking for suggestions.

Did you manage to get NordVPN insalled?


I have EXACTLY the same problem, tried everything possible to get Nord VPN installed, but despite the excellent and responsive customer care from Nord, I just cannot get the program to install.
The last effort I made included these steps
Click Start and type regedit
Open regedit.
If pop up window shows, click YES.

Navigate to the following subkeys:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths

Click on a folder and choose Edit > Permissions.
For each of these keys, ensure that "Administrator", "Administrators" and "System" have Full Control.

I also tried installing an earlier version, as recommended by Nord. However the result was identical. "Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."

I wonder if you have found a solution? I am still in touch with Nord, I have a full 2 years to run and am unable to use Nord on my main computer.

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