well i ahve had all sorts of issues with convertors.
for example EAC will not see CD's in the drive. it knows the drives are there but just never does anything about it LOL
other software might just be bad with the cd drive interface.
DMBpoweramp which is the one i use now, is limited in ripping speed so you buy the pro version LOL, but is the only one that seems to work for me. however ocassionally it just ejects the CD after a song is ripped and says there is an error. this happens inbetween songs when it ripped one and is starting on the next.
so yeah all sorts of issues.
one i knew worked on mine (but really slowly) was the free version of musicmatch jukebox. but this i don't think compressed to my favorite format called FLAC so i don't use it.
it oculd also be if you have not removed all your old programs from your computer, (uninstall, wipeout of residue directorys, and a registry cleanup) i find a clean computer is a happy computer a9and especially in windows.
anyway good luck.
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