Coming from PC, I'm a little sad.

Shawn Dunmire

Sep 25, 2013
I'll try to keep this short! I need advice.

All my life i've used windows pc's and android phones. I'm a student, and was envious of my friends with shiny iPhones and sleek MBP's. There ability to use iMessage and communicate together. Group texts and video messages work so well on iMessage. Macbook has no rival when it comes to trackpad and physics engine. Etc etc. That being said, I am having some glaring issues. I wanted to see how long my bike ride would take me from school to work. Pulled up apple maps, much to my dismay, doesn't have the capability of telling me this info. The school I go to uses "canvas", a website to upload content and directions from the teacher. The powerpoint that are supposed to have audio voices overs, only work sometimes. I don't want to have to use google maps. I don't want to have to find work arounds, I never had to do that on my pc and android. Any advice?
I'm a long time iPhone guy... Apple maps sucks. There is a lot to love about iPhones, OS X (I have not owned a Mac yet, but I dual boot OS X and Win10 on my PC rarely use 10 except for gaming), and how it all works together. iMessage is amazing, I like iCloud mail better than gmail, Apple photos works far better than Google's imo.. those are just some more basic things I can think of off the top of my head.

Everybody is going to have their own ideas of what's important in technology, and the best way to figure out what you like best is to use it. All of my tech buddies make fun of me for using Apple stuff (outside of gaming), but the fact is that I enjoy the simplicity of Apple and not having to deal with Windows 10 crashing every...


Feb 16, 2015
go back to pc :D

sorry tho , I don't have an actual answer. ive never heard any good things about apple maps.

is there a reason you don't want to use google maps?


Oct 2, 2012
I'm a long time iPhone guy... Apple maps sucks. There is a lot to love about iPhones, OS X (I have not owned a Mac yet, but I dual boot OS X and Win10 on my PC rarely use 10 except for gaming), and how it all works together. iMessage is amazing, I like iCloud mail better than gmail, Apple photos works far better than Google's imo.. those are just some more basic things I can think of off the top of my head.

Everybody is going to have their own ideas of what's important in technology, and the best way to figure out what you like best is to use it. All of my tech buddies make fun of me for using Apple stuff (outside of gaming), but the fact is that I enjoy the simplicity of Apple and not having to deal with Windows 10 crashing every time I install an update.

Shawn Dunmire

Sep 25, 2013

Thank you for this response. I agree that there are a ton of things that are good about apple that google doesn't have and vise-a-versa. And I think that your advice about trying everything is what I'm doing now, can't know until you try! Grass is kinda brown on both sides ;)

Shawn Dunmire

Sep 25, 2013

I guess I could, it's just a pain in the ass to me. I know it's like first world problems. But the fact that siri can only open regular apple maps, and I'd have to use google maps for biking only sounds stupid. I liked how on google maps all my previous searches were all right there and easy to select. If i do half on one half on the other i just feel like it's a hassle. I want a one stop shop.


Oct 2, 2012

I haven't been in the Jailbreak world for a while, but for a lot of people (at least a year or two ago) a jailbroken Iphone was the best of both worlds. Technology changes a lot in 2 years though. I'm not sure if you bought a Mac also, but you can always use Boot Camp and dual boot Windows.


Mar 26, 2016
powerpoint 2016 should fix those issues..

apple maps is slowly improving but like others have said i'd only recommend using it as a backup to google maps. google maps might have an awful interface compared to apple maps but the data is generally better and the features like public transport, street view, hands down still ahead of apple.