I've had an older version of the Panasonic (700u) unit for 2 years now, it was one of the first units with the dynamic iris that allowed the LCD's to really compete head to head with the DLP projectors. It's been an excellent projector overall.
My only warning to folks looking at a projector for the first time is to make sure you have a good line interactive or online UPS for it, the bulb is VERY sensitive to power fluxuations. At $200-$400 a pop, you really want to get the maximum life out of the bulb.
I'm going to be moving up to 1080p here in the next year or so, now that good 1080p projectors can be bought for $3k or so (what I paid for my 720p projector 2 years ago). I'd suggest anyone seriously in the market look at those units, big jump in image quality for the money.