Computer lag when a program downloads something, high system and compressed memory CPU


Dec 6, 2010
Hi, I've got an annoying problem with my laptop, an Asus ROG G56jk-eb72 running Windows 10. The problem is whenever a program uses a large amount of bandwidth (above 10-15mbps), I experience touchpad lag and a general slowdown in PC performance. If a windows update or an application update is queued, or if Steam/Gog is downloading a game, it pretty much renders the laptop unusable until the download is finished. When these downloads are occurring, I've noticed that the "System and Compressed Memory" process tends to eat up an entire core of my CPU during this time, and there's typically very high disk usage as well. Does anyone know what might be causing this or how to fix it? I was going to try setting the processor affinity on the system and compressed memory process to not use core 0 (the main core), but it seems Windows 10 locks me out of setting the affinity for system processes and I can't exactly go setting the affinity of every other process I would ever use to get around that...

For the record, I have 12GB RAM, there shouldn't be any problem with memory, and in fact during this time RAM usage seems irrelevant since I'm typically at less than 50% utilization.

EDIT: The problem also seems to be affected by uploading, but upload speeds tend to be slower so it doesn't seem to reach that breaking point.
was this an upgrade or a fresh install of win 10? high cpu usage by system and compressed memory led me to suspect its an upgrade as that behaviour is less common in fresh installs.

Have you tried a program like driver booster to see if you missing drivers that may reduce the lag. Also see if trhere is a new bios.
change power settings to high performance, set screen/CPU to never turn off, and in advanced power: set hdd to never turn off.
Hi there, it was a fresh install, no missing/out of date drivers according to driver booster, no new bios since 2013, on high performance, nothing ever turns off while plugged in (problem still there when plugged in), and HDD never turns off. Anything else I might check?