Connect my speakers to TV


Oct 29, 2016
I have an LG LED TV 42" with digital/optical output along side analog signals(yellow,red,white).
I have 5.1 speakers Logitech z506 and it doesn't have a digital audio input but has those green,black,orange cables.

I have tried using a digital to analog connector but there's no sound.

First I connected the 'digital to analog converter' to the TV using the optical cable then after that I'm not sure. I connected the connector to the speakers using red and white to 3.5 mm cable. I even checked the settings i.e. Set to external speakers but got no sound. Please help.
Unfortunately mate you're stuck with only the digital optical out.
Seems this is the way things are going with newer sets , analog or headphone out appears to be a thing of the past.

Do you have a link to the optical-analog converter you purchased ??
You've got a headphone socket ??

What you want to be doing is simply using a 3.5mm headphone to 2x rca cable


Headphone Jack on TV , red /
White stereo input on z506.

You won't get true surround but using those stereo inputs auto switches to a virtual surround mode on the speakers.