CUDA Optimized Video Conversion Software?


Jan 20, 2009
So, I often find myself converting 1080p videos from one format into another (typically an Apple proprietary format into .mkv or .avi) but I'm having trouble finding a decent program that does this. I have 2 GTX 580's so I'd REALLY like a program that can leverage these against the conversion as it would go MUCH faster. I'm okay with paying for the software if it works well but I also know that there are a lot of excellent open-source utilities out there...whatever works best... I'm having trouble finding reliable reviews on these program so I'm hoping the Tom's community can help me out.
Ive only seeen cuda used for converting .h264 so you wont be converting to avi. Anyway as for conversion software there is

Badaboom - thers a free trial, works well, not many options
Media espresso - same as above

Media coder - can be complicated, lots of options, doesnt always work

Xilisoft converter - has support for cuda

There arnt really any free software other than mediacoder though i couldnt get it to work using cuda but my card is obly an 8600 and is kinda broje. Your best bet is badaboom i would say using the custom media setting on that . Their is some other software too tho i cant remember any others and they use cuda more of an extra option where as badaboom is based specifically on cuda although youcan use the cpu if you want or more recently, intels quick sync tech i believe.

Crapy wording and spelin mistakes will be cas im typin this on my phone.