Cursor/pointer out of control jumping and opening multiple programs.


Nov 19, 2017
I have a Toshiba LX835 All in One. I run Windows 7. Cursor/pointer keeps jumping to desktop programs and opens them up. Not just one, but moves from one to the other opening the program. If I move the cursor away, it just jumps back to the programs and opens up another one. Impossible to control. Ran several virus detection programs and nothing is found. Unable to even type in a web address because it jumps out of browser. Typing this on iPad. Help!!!
Thanks for your timely reply. Based on a suggestion from a friend of mine, I replaced my batteries in my wireless mouse and key board. I also did a reset on both. Lo and behold it corrected my problem. An important lesson learned. Thanks again for your response and suggestions. All good stuff.
That really sounds like a virus, malware, or someone having remote access to the device.

Try starting up the computer in "Safe Mode". It will have limited access. If the problem doesn't occur while in "Safe Mode" then you definitely have one of the above as the problem.

Depending on what antivirus program you ran, it may not have checked well enough. Try installing something like AVG or Avast and checking the system. Then try programs like Spybot and other similar ones to check for other sneaky things on the device.

You also need to check your settings to make sure remote access is not turned on.

Thanks for your timely reply. Based on a suggestion from a friend of mine, I replaced my batteries in my wireless mouse and key board. I also did a reset on both. Lo and behold it corrected my problem. An important lesson learned. Thanks again for your response and suggestions. All good stuff.