So with your options it all depends on what you're willing to sacrifice. For the 7567 model you're looking at it's definitely gpu performance, as the max q 1060 in the 7577 model is a ton better (it has VR ability although it doesn't overtly state it, probably one of dell's marketing strategies to get you to move to alienware. its more expensive so don't) than the 1050ti. The 1060 max q has better gameplay ability, higher frames, more shading modules, etc etc. This video gives you a lot of good info on it: https

/youtu.be/f0lXi9kkduM. You can also compare the specs of the mobile 1050/1050ti to the 1060 max q here: http

/gpuboss.com/. In terms of pricing the newer one is expensive, but if you can find a sale (like a student discount of 150 on one of the mid-spec models: i7 (@ 3.8 Ghz), 16 gb of 2400 mHz ram, 1060 6gb max q, 1tb HDD + 128 gb ssd , all for $1,149) I would reccomend you use it because the specs listed for the sale will last you longer into the future, at minimum 4 years, although that could change as newer things come out. (but the sale ends on the 27th, so make up your mind relatively quickly).
Regarding your concern over the performance loss to the actual 1060 6gb desktop card, you are correct. The drop is about 10 to 13% (5-7% from the laptop (not max-q, mobile)1060 (yes there are three versions and it gets confusing)) depending on who you get your info from, but in terms of frame-rates that equates out to about a 4-6 frame-rate loss. This shouldn't matter because even with ultra settings this card can play many many games at 45+ frames per second which is respectable. If you want 60+ frames you'll probably want to drop it down to max, but this card is a beast overall and can handle pretty much anything you throw at it.
In terms of battery life, yes, the 7577 has a 56 watt hr, so it won't last you very long if it's in high performance mode, probably 4 hours or so (1.5 hrs if you're gaming off the charger), but if you skimp on your screen brightness and put it in power saver, you could see 6 to 7 hrs. As long as you have a chance to charge it at least once in the day (it features quick charging, 80% in one hour) you should be fine for a longer excursion, probably 10-15 hrs. you could also get a battery pack for it, which is an ok choice, you just have to pay for that separately.
Overall I would get the 7577 (the one with the sale specs) as you won't have to do any upgrading with ram or storage later on and it comes with a bonus i7 processor. You are paying a bit of a premium, but compared to other laptops of the same specs, this one is much cheaper. I'm looking into getting one myself, and the battery issue is something i've considered, but with the greater performance of the max q, I really don't see any other choice
Hope I helped,
Grey Mitchell