Dell E1505 Video problem


Dec 23, 2010
I have a Dell E1505 laptop that has been giveing me problems. The screen will randomly go black and then reboots after about 10 secs. The screen will remain black and I have to restart it. Sometimes this will happen frequently and as soon as I turn it on and there are times it may go for days without anything.

The error message indicated it was a video card driver problem. It has a ati x1400. I installed the newest drivers and a few drivers from other makers like omega, ect. None of this helped. So finnaly I uninstaled the videocard and no more problems.

It runs fine without video card but, it is slow and sometimes choppy playing video and the window is smaller than my screen now.

So my question is: What could be wrong with card? Is it bad or is there some way to fix this? If not is there anyway to improve my video without the card?


Aug 12, 2010
Have you tried driver sweeper?
Sometimes, even if you uninstall/reinstall/change drivers, there can be some leftover from previous drivers that will mess around with the computer and cause it to act funny.
Oh and I think you only need one driver for video. Installing multiple may cause problems.

Download driver sweeper (
Instructions here (

Then try installing the default video driver, just scroll down to video tab and download the ati driver

Hope it helps.


Dec 23, 2010
I did clean the drivers and I did'nt have multiple drivers at once. I cleaned them before trying a diffrent one. When nothing worked I reformatted. That didnt work so I disabled videocard

Im pretty sure it dosnt have intergrated video. So I guess now the cpu is handleing video? I've heard about videocard emulators. Do these work?