Dell vostro 3750. Something dying...

Blitz Blitz

May 18, 2015
Hi, I have vostro 3750 with i5-2430m. Laptop starts showing blue screens, few weeks ago. I try to reinstall windows, but after setup, laptop restarted, and cd setup loads again. Then I try to do system diagnostics. First time diagnostics said, that hdd is not found, and laptop freezes. After restart windows finish installation. Then I try diagnostics again. When it inspecting hdd, thinking long. Also I get error that battery life is going to end(~60%). I allways laptop using on cable. So where is peoblem: hdd, battery, or something wrong with motherboard, system? Sorry for english...
Half year ago I added 1 gb ram, from dell inspiron mini. Now I have 4+1gb ram. Performance increased, also tested with memtest, no error were found, but maybe it can be problem? Tomorow I gonna test my laptop, and update problem...
Update: I test all ram, what i have, over night with memtest, No problems found with rams, slots are good too. I think there is problem with hdd. I'm downloaded active smart software and that what its shows on fresh windows without drivers and software: