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More info?)
I wasn't very clear. DVD/LD are the same setting. But there are two
ways of hooking up a device, to the coax or to the optical. I planned
to plug a cable box into coax and a DVD player into optical. Both
would be assigned to the same button on the front. Would this cause
any interference or damage anything?
Sorry about the confusion
Scott Blaser
"anybody-but-bush" <Anybody But Bu$> wrote in message news:<%L6rc.16254$>...
> Many receivers support multiple digital in. The receiver switches to the right input on the
> back when the switch/selector on the front is assigned to that input. If you set to DVD goes
> to one of them If you set to LD goes to the other.
> Somewhere in the menus will be something to assign the coax to either the DVD or LD and the
> same for the optical.
> Also of concern will be what the receiver inputs are capable of decoding. Laser Disk will
> mostly be a straight 16/44.1 SPDIF like a CD player..... or perhaps the CD audio from a CD
> played in the LD player. The DVD may decode Dolby Digital and DTS etc.
> Phil Abbate
> "Scott Blaser" <> wrote in message
> : In the back of my receiver there are two audio inputs labeled DVD/LD
> : In, one for coaxial and one for optical. Can I plug a separate
> : component into each of these, like a digital cable box into coax and a
> : DVD player into optical? Or is this a no-no?
> :
> : Any help would be appreciated.
> :
> : Scott Blaser