Digital TV - Purchase digital adapter that is compatible with Comcast???


Apr 8, 2010

For some reason my house gets FREE Comcast cable. Just plug and go! Obviously free cable rocks, so I'm not about to lose this service just because Comcast has now switched to digital.

Right now I am still getting the basic channels, but nothing past Channel 23. I am aware that I need to get a digital adapter from Comcast (as they clearly remind me every second) to receive the channels above 23, but becuase I do not pay for their cable service I cannot call them up and ask them to ship me an adapter. (I do not need the cable box because I do not want On Demand, just the adapter they offer should work fine for me).

My Question is: is there anything I can purchse (not through Comcast) that will allow me to view all of the channels (particuarly the ones past 23 - mtv, bravo, tlc, etc) that is compatible with Comcast??? I purchased a Coby DTV-102 ATSC Digital Converter Box last night hoping that would do the trick, but it did nothing - wouldn't pick up any signal. Please help......I don't want to loose my free cable??

P.S. - Don't be cruel, you know you would use free cable if you had the chance :)
I am almost in your situation as well. I am paying for their business internet service at my house but am not paying for cable tv because I was informed that I would receive it with the internet service. Everything was fine until a few days ago when some channels started going ditital and I no longer recieve them. I am willing to pay for cable but have been on the phone with comcast for almost 2 hours and talked to 12 different people between the business and residential divisions and for some reason NO ONE can figure out how to add tv service to my account so they can send me a box. It is a HUGE MESS. How can comcast be such a big compan but can even figure out something like this. I would SOOOOOOOOO switch if I could!!!
Pirating cable is why people like me have to rent extra boxes than the two that cable providers supply. You are just like all the rest of the free loaders that have driven everything through the roof. To bad I don't know who you are or I would report you if you have been caught already. Cable providers do check for people like you and your neighbors should know as well. They would keep losing the signal.
Pirating cable is why people like me have to rent extra boxes than the two that cable providers supply. You are just like all the rest of the free loaders that have driven everything through the roof. To bad I don't know who you are or I would report you if you have been caught already. Cable providers do check for people like you and your neighbors should know as well. They would keep losing the signal.

Comcast is a farmer, and subscribers are the sheep. While they make mega profits off of our addiction to TV, some of the sheep espouse Comcast's line of garbage that it is an extreme crime to tap into their cable for free. Then, the cable channels have the gall to advertise just like the old broadcast channels, so they get money from the cable companies who glean their customers AND from the advertisers who of course tack on the price to your daily purchased goods. To make sure we're penned in and don't escape from the clutches of Comcast, they have lobbied our local, state and federal governments heavily to enact laws making it a serious crime to "steal" cable. Of course that lobby money comes from us. Paying to trap ourselves. Anyone who "steals" from Comcast or "pirates" free cable is a hero in my book. If everyone stopped paying these drug pushers, all this would stop and resort back to advertised or government sponsored television - who knows, maybe with something worthwhile to watch.

Any piracy is good in my book. I too need an adapter. If not already available, some hack will come up with one and sell it on the black market. Hopefully via internet so multitudes will have free access and put the screws to the ugly, massive bloodsucking monster known as Comcast.
:fou: I'm handicapped, live on $850 a month and this is an honest, unfortunate fact of life for me. So I'm stuck with Comcasts exhorbitant prices or no TV at all. So, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU! I wish I knew more people so I could somehow find someone to help me. Believe me, I've been lied to so many times by Comcast that now I never believe anything they tell me. And if I were able to pirate their cable TV and Internet I would sleep like a baby at night. I've always been an honest person during my life but would have no loss of conscience stealing service from that low life company who legally get away with theft through their monopoly. BTW, the low-income handicapped community where I live has a contract with Comcast to furnish us with Comcast only which means we have no choice other than use their service or have nothing at all! CAN YOU BELEIVE THAT?
Pirating cable is why people like me have to rent extra boxes than the two that cable providers supply. You are just like all the rest of the free loaders that have driven everything through the roof. To bad I don't know who you are or I would report you if you have been caught already. Cable providers do check for people like you and your neighbors should know as well. They would keep losing the signal.

Are you serious?!! Do you really think the high Prices of Comcast TV is because of the "free loaders"?!!!!! What! are you comparing "cable tv with health care"?!! It's not "health care"! The reason Comcast Cable is so expensive is because of their GREED!! Nothing more, nothing less!

Right on ftsystem! Right on!!!!