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Oct 26, 2009
I just used a program from an ASUS Blu-Ray Drive I got called CyberLink PowerGo V6. I saw I could make copies of CD/DVDS, and figured I could make .iso files and use Daemon Tools to play them, instead of needing to worry about the disks. However, after copying Dirt 2 I have six Image.C00 to .C06 files, a Image P21 file, and a Image.RIF file. I was wondering on how to make these into an .iso so I can use them. Also, this is for my enjoyment, and convenience. These games were bought by me, and I don't plan on sharing them. SRY, but last time I made a thread about wanting to play a game I backed up they closed it.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found out you just have to change the save file name to .iso extension.
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