A couple of things you could try:
You could add a DWORD value to this Registry Key:
The new DWORD value would be "NoViewContextMenu", with a value data of 1 (no quotes).
You could also use a third-party editor, such as <A HREF="http

/www.winsite.com/bin/Info?1500000034965" target="_new">WinAdmin 2.2</A>, which would give you more control over the systems, such as the right-click context menu in IE, among other nifty features. Pretty good for $14.00.
You might also find that using the System Policy Editor will allow you to place extra restrictions over the systems. For instance, by clicking the "Remove folders from Settings on Start Menu" box, you can prevent users from accessing the Control Panel via the Start Menu. You can create many other restrictions, including the disabling of the Run prompt, the MS-DOS prompt, and even the disabling of the Registry editor.
The System Policy Editor (poledit.exe) is located on the Windows 98 CD at \tools\reskit\netadmin\poledit.
<A HREF="http

/www.zisman.ca/poledit/" target="_new">Using Poledit: Policy Editor to help secure Windows 95/98 computers</A>
<font color=red>First Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="http

/www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?rigid=17935" target="_new"><font color=green>Toejam31's Devastating Dalek Destroyer</font color=green></A>
<font color=red>Second Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="http

/www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?rigid=15942" target="_new"><font color=green>Toey's Dynamite DDR Duron</font color=green></A>
<A HREF="http

/www.btvillarin.com/phpBB/index.php" target="_new"><b><font color=purple>BTVILLARIN.com</font color=purple></b></A> - <i><font color=orange>A better place to be</font color=orange></i>.