DIY eGPU Newb. Need help for this. Thanks.


Feb 29, 2016
hello, I'm new here, i want to ask a few questions about diy eGPUs.
1. can i use a SATA-expresscard adapter to connect the eGPU?(I don't have an expresscard slot, thunderbolt, and i have only one mpcie slot thats being used by wifi card)

2. If it is impossible, can i replace the Wi-Fi card with a usb receiver?, I want to use the mpcie slot as my last resort , because its (kinda) hard to open up my laptop because it has a one-piece casing. search for acer e2511

3. should i get a GTX960 or a GTX 750 Ti for maxed-out next gen gaming on 1366X768 display?
(i have an acer e2511 with i5 5200U~2.7GHz, NV 920M and 12 GB RAM)

Thanks in advance
1. contact the vendor of the adapter you want to get.

2. see answer to 1. A USB dongle for WiFi will work, if the external adapter wold work in the WiFi card slot, need to check.

Anything else that comes from outside of that would be "maybe" as I doubt anyone has added an external GPU your model of laptop.

Better idea would be to just get a new system, neither of those video cards would run "next gen games" at maxed out settings especially with that CPU. Maybe Medium settings.
1. contact the vendor of the adapter you want to get.

2. see answer to 1. A USB dongle for WiFi will work, if the external adapter wold work in the WiFi card slot, need to check.

Anything else that comes from outside of that would be "maybe" as I doubt anyone has added an external GPU your model of laptop.

Better idea would be to just get a new system, neither of those video cards would run "next gen games" at maxed out settings especially with that CPU. Maybe Medium settings.


Feb 29, 2016