Let me preface this by saying I know a little, but I don't know enough to really make an informed decision with this purchase. So I've come to ask you to help me get the most bang for my buck with my purchase. <3
What I'm after is basically just some extra volume. I think my onboard sound (Asus Sabertooth Z77) while not to dedicated card quality levels is actually pretty decent quality for onboard sound. When I had it plugged via optical into an amp I didn't hear one crackle or hair or whatever so I think its as well insulated as on board can be.
So while not amazing I think the quality's at least 'ok', what I'm really after is some extra volume, I got a Sennheiser Headset and I love the quality of them (so much so I just can't listen to my old hand me down 2 channel stereo anymore =p), but when I get listening to some music I feel I just need it to be that little bit louder. Ya know?
So what would you say is the best option I have for getting some extra volume? Extra quality being considered a bonus. And preferably outboard (to retain optimal airflow in my case) DAC? Sound Card? Headphone AMP? ... Something else? I'd like to spend around $100, but I could stretch up to $200 if it is worthwhile.
Here's some options I was looking at :
Headphone AMP : https/www.pccasegear.com/products/30096/creative-sound-blaster-e1-portable-headphone-amplifier
EiiO DAC : https/www.amazon.com/Portable-Headphone-Amplifier-Extreme-Stereo/dp/B00VET0NZ8/ref=sr_1_1?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1472112318&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=FiiO+E17&psc=1&smid=A364KLI3BZY8MZ
One my buddy recommended a while back : https/www.amazon.com/NuForce-uDAC3-Headphone-Amplifier-Black/dp/B00FG9MJ6I/ref=dp_ob_title_ce
I saw some guy recommend this but honestly I just not sure if I can stretch the budget that far : https/www.jdslabs.com/products/48/o2-odac-combo-revb/
I dunno man. Honestly I know what these numbers 'are', but Know don't know what they 'mean'. What's a good headphone amp / DAC for a reasonable price? Plz! HALP!
What I'm after is basically just some extra volume. I think my onboard sound (Asus Sabertooth Z77) while not to dedicated card quality levels is actually pretty decent quality for onboard sound. When I had it plugged via optical into an amp I didn't hear one crackle or hair or whatever so I think its as well insulated as on board can be.
So while not amazing I think the quality's at least 'ok', what I'm really after is some extra volume, I got a Sennheiser Headset and I love the quality of them (so much so I just can't listen to my old hand me down 2 channel stereo anymore =p), but when I get listening to some music I feel I just need it to be that little bit louder. Ya know?
So what would you say is the best option I have for getting some extra volume? Extra quality being considered a bonus. And preferably outboard (to retain optimal airflow in my case) DAC? Sound Card? Headphone AMP? ... Something else? I'd like to spend around $100, but I could stretch up to $200 if it is worthwhile.
Here's some options I was looking at :
Headphone AMP : https/www.pccasegear.com/products/30096/creative-sound-blaster-e1-portable-headphone-amplifier
EiiO DAC : https/www.amazon.com/Portable-Headphone-Amplifier-Extreme-Stereo/dp/B00VET0NZ8/ref=sr_1_1?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1472112318&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=FiiO+E17&psc=1&smid=A364KLI3BZY8MZ
One my buddy recommended a while back : https/www.amazon.com/NuForce-uDAC3-Headphone-Amplifier-Black/dp/B00FG9MJ6I/ref=dp_ob_title_ce
I saw some guy recommend this but honestly I just not sure if I can stretch the budget that far : https/www.jdslabs.com/products/48/o2-odac-combo-revb/
I dunno man. Honestly I know what these numbers 'are', but Know don't know what they 'mean'. What's a good headphone amp / DAC for a reasonable price? Plz! HALP!