Do PC game disks work on Laptops?


Oct 16, 2015
So me and my dad found this really good gaming laptop (Asus ROG G501) and unfortunately it doesn't have a CD/DVD drive...

I can't change to another laptop cause it took us at least a week to find a good gaming laptop in stock, but i'm thinking of buying an external CD drive.

Here's the question, do the PC game disks (the one you see on the shelves of stores etc.) work on laptops as well? Because i'll be buying an external CD drive to buy myself a Rainbow Six Siege copy for this laptop that doesn't have a CD drive :T

Also, how do you do it? You just plug in the external CD drive onto the laptop, put in the disc and wait for something to pop up? Will it automatically install? I haven't worked with these because i was really not into gaming before..

**If i was going to buy the game digitally on Steam, can you use a credit card? I'm from the Philippines and the most popular bank here is BDO, and he has a BDO credit card. I'm not sure if Visa is different from BDO credit cards...

Thanks m8s!

Yes it will, my laptop DVD driver stop working a few years. So I am using the external DVD player, without problem =)

When you plug the DVD player the windows will seek the proper drivers and install them =)

Yes you can buy Steam games with your Credit Card

Do i choose the Visa option on Steam or the MasterCard option? Or they're pretty much the same? xD


Oh, so there's a little "Visa" or "Mastercard" logo somewhere on the credit card? Is that what you're saying?