seriously, i am not here to say which television will break with the settings on 100%
ssddx really did a lot of wrapping things up on the how and when and why.
the combinations of what is more stressful to what is less stressful is completely chosen and designed.
it isnt too much to ask when you buy a cheap lcd monitor and try to raise the contrast ratio by putting the black levels at 100% and the brightness down.
does it mean the instance above is going to kill the television..? no.
some LCD panels absolutely love to show the color black.
some love to show white.
some flourescent bulbs love to shine bright.
others love to be less bright.
some ballasts (the thing that turns the flourescent bulb on) love to start the bulb on maximum brightness.
others love to start the bulb more dim.
could be compared to the many many different vehicles on the road today.
there are a lot of things that makes one vehicle different than the other.
nothing has changed..
if your television breaks, and you feel the problem came too early.. there are only two things to blame:
1. you could say the manufacturer is a punk and the products they sell is junk (but maybe it was specific to the model you have)
2. you could say the price you paid for the television was too low.
and maybe somebody comes along and says that all of the kinks were not worked out in the 'invention' stages.. and those problems made their way to the manufacturing factories.
what is the most common problem i read about televisions being broken?
the power supply.
doesnt matter if it is plasma, lcd, or crt.
seems like the industry doesnt want the power supply to suck up a bunch of electricity.. and because of that stage, a lot of the power supplies need replaced.
this might prove to be the benefit of the owner, to say that the old power supply could be 'fixed' ... but would suck up a lot more electricity.
the less electricity thing was one reason why the entire industry made a move to the lcd and plasma televisions.
..the space the television takes up is another reason (lots of houses are 50 - 100 years old and SMALL)
and another thing would be the convergence, as crt televisions often have a problem with the picture being bent.
you start to get more detailed and complicated..
the design principle of the electron gun works by bouncing the rays off of the side of the tube (kinda like reverb for audio) and there is only so much room inside the tube to do this.
you would need extra tube on the top and bottom (and perhaps the sides too) for the picture quality to be superb, with the electrical requirements being lower.
sure, there are monitors with 1600x1200 and 2048x1536 resolution.
the astounding amount of electricity that it takes to make those resolutions possible with the bouncing of the rays off of the sides of the tube.. it is really really high.
people's lives are at risk when they repair these monitors if the energy isnt drained properly.
and that could simply prove to be where the accident happens.. trying to drain the electricity.
the biggest problem with LCD televisions and monitors is hiding the liquid when it isnt in use.
you either hide what isnt being used and wait for the pixel to change.
you use more expensive liquid that contains everything always, and simply changes.
when the liquid needs a place to hide, that means more space between the pixels.. as well as smaller pixel size.
this means you have to sit further away from the television so the pixels blend together, and if the pixels are smaller in size, the fidelity of the picture isnt going to be superb.
sure, things like a human face would be fine.. but the small things like snowflakes would be horrendous and almost non-existant.
a whole lot of work has gone into getting the lcd MONITORS made.
people sit close to them and they want 1080p resolution.
and they are also going to want MORE resolution like they had with crt monitors.
really a matter of being well zoomed in with the microscope, and taking on the pain of using lcd panels that have room in the cavity between pixels.. and then drawing that space outwards so there is truly space (would be inwards towards the backlight).
the panel isnt a small simple piece of flat glass or plastic with a bunch of dividers inside to keep the liquid from mixing together.
now each pixel would have a backpack that must remain hidden in the void between the pixels.
i suppose it is one thing to see a homeless person on the street.
and it is another thing to see a homeless person who is telling you about not wanting to be where they are in life.
some people might be living on the street to save some money, while still going to work and wearing 3 layers of clothing to hide any smell.
while the other person is upset and angry because something went wrong in their life and they didnt have any choice.
to the industry, i say..
there are simply too many reasons to be rid of the crt monitors.
dont forget why LCD panels flooded the market and the crt technology has been forced to die.
sure, it might have all started because LCD panels were 'possible' and perhaps much easier to do with one color.
the success of the television technology is much more than using less electricity to keep people safe.
i think the amount of people with a small living room is staggering.
and by giving them a television they can mount onto the wall for more elbow space and breathing room.. the better their life can be.
not many people realize it but.. houses are being made bigger and bigger.
sure, it starts out with those bigger houses costing more money to buy.
eventually the small houses will crumble to the ground and people will not tolerate being in such confined spaces.
those things are from the early 1900's .. !
not a lot of big rooms.. and if the house is big, there are lots of small rooms.
cant knock down a wall because the house would fall inwards onto itself.
a no win situation.
it really is a no win situation because there is simply too much 'stuff' to buy nowadays.
and seriously.. you could fill up a two car garage with a bunch of things that are all important.
so trying to fit those into your living area is quite difficult.
the industry knows this.. and that is why they are making new houses bigger and bigger.
it certainly isnt because people are having twins and triplets more often :lol:
we are not the simple farmer anymore.
lot of things besides a shovel and a rake and a tractor.
i think even the wood working shops are finding new tools to put into their workspace.
there used to be:
circular saw
drill press
table saw
i really cant think of what else could be in there, except maybe a computer-controlled router or jigsaw.
that could take up a whole bunch of square feet compared to those tools.
all to say about the settings of your television.
there is only ONE right way to do it.. and that is to calibrate the television with color filters and the help of calibrating pictures viewed on the screen.
do that and see 'when' it breaks.
consider the price you paid for the television, and then have a look at the manufacturer you bought it from.
as you lift your head, look to see if the complaints about broken televisions are still rolling in.