Does anone use plug-in?

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Dec 19, 2008
Wondering if anyone uses the plug-in for Firefox or IE and what they think? I believe the one for IE is a beta but from all I can find they do scan with anti-virus and that is what I'm most concerned about. I'd like to think if I try this that they're using top notch anti-V. All other features sound good. Appreciate any feedback.


I use both and also beta tested them :)

Yes IE is in beta but not the A/V aspect of it - just the toolbar and the way it handles some functions and particularly cookie management (login issues occur with some websites.)

The anti-virus is an enterprise grade open source A/V product used by major corporations. The virus definitions are updated many times a day.

The Cocoon...

I use both and also beta tested them :)

Yes IE is in beta but not the A/V aspect of it - just the toolbar and the way it handles some functions and particularly cookie management (login issues occur with some websites.)

The anti-virus is an enterprise grade open source A/V product used by major corporations. The virus definitions are updated many times a day.

The Cocoon plug-ins protect you from being infected by online viruses & malware. It does not scan your existing system or prevent viruses from being added to your machine from external sources like USB drives. One of the lead developers for Cocoon (also co-founder of Cocoon) is Brian Fox, original author of the GNU Bash shell.


Thanks. Thats what I was searching for. I'll keep using my anti-V and 3rd party router firmware. I can see this cloud computing is going to get interesting.
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