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Bob Cain <> wrote in
> R wrote:
>> The Ghost <> wrote in
>> news:Xns95EBADC07AD28theghosthotmailcom@

>>>Any remote chance that the "anonymous non-believer" is the one, the
>>>only, Bob Cain?
>> A Non-beliver in what?
>> That doppler distortion does not exist and is actually PMD?
> Yeah, I believe he found that the maximum pressure deviation
> occurs when the driver is at minimum velocity and minimum
> when at maximum velocity as my equations predict. Whatever
> it should be called it's not Doppler.
> Bob
What it should be called is irrelevant. YOU are the one who instigated the
recent rampant misuse of the term "Doppler distortion." Furthermore, the
debate was not over what the phenomenon should be called. The debate was
over its phenomenological existance. And, in this regard, I was right on
all counts, and YOU were WRONG on all counts.
With regard to "YOUR" so-called equations, let's get the record straight.
First of all, on the basis of your posts, it is clear that you were
incapable of understanding Art Ludwig's analysis. Furthermroe, you were
clearly incapable of analyzing the problem yourself. Consequently, you
went to sci.physics and got Zigoteau to analyze the problem for you. But
he too eventually recognized your stupidity and left you hanging with an
incomplete analysis.
You claim that you have predictive equations. Based on your record, I
would suggest that you don't have squat. Post "your" COMPLETE analysis and
"your" closed-form predictive equations and prove me wrong.