Solved! DT990 Pro Headphones with FiiO E10K Olympus USB DAC and Headphone Amplifier


Nov 27, 2016
(New to the audio scene so please correct me if i'm wrong etc)

I was wondering if the FiiO E10K Olympus would be enough to power music/games/movies for the DT990 Pro Headphones. As far as I'm aware it will only power 150ohms but wont the 250ohms be to loud for anyone anyway? Will I notice the difference between a more powerful amp if the volume is not maxed out. I have been reading that the FiiO E10K Olympus is too loud for the DT990 Pro Headphones anyway.

I'm really new to the audio scene as stated above so please bear with me.

Thanks for the replies in advance.

That dac amp puts out 200mwatts into 32 ohm headphones. The headphones are rated for 100mw at a max of 96db spl.
Into a 250 ohm it will output a bit more than 1/10 of that (~20mw) so you will max out the volume at about 88 db spl.
You will notice the difference because it will limit the dynamic range. That means that when you are playing the music at a reasonable constant volume some peaks in the music won't be reproduced correctly due to lack of power. On some music it would sound strained when the peaks happen.
You can post your question on the website. I suspect that that combination has been discussed there.
That dac amp puts out 200mwatts into 32 ohm headphones. The headphones are rated for 100mw at a max of 96db spl.
Into a 250 ohm it will output a bit more than 1/10 of that (~20mw) so you will max out the volume at about 88 db spl.
You will notice the difference because it will limit the dynamic range. That means that when you are playing the music at a reasonable constant volume some peaks in the music won't be reproduced correctly due to lack of power. On some music it would sound strained when the peaks happen.
You can post your question on the website. I suspect that that combination has been discussed there.

Thanks for the response, I have instead opted to go for the dt770 80ohms instead as I will also be using the headphones to commute with and I believe that they will be less expensive to power with an amp.

Which amp would you recommend for mobile and pc use? I am looking for superb quality, thanks.