DVI Dual link Help


Mar 29, 2013
So I just bought a refurbished. HP 6000 Pro computer My rear outputs are "Display port" and VGA only from the mother board.

I get image from the Display port. but no sound. I convert with adapter to HDMI cable to the TV.

Correct me please. DVI dual link out will travel Image only or will it push sound? . I will still have the same problem if I put in a graphics card. ( no sound comes out a graphics card!)

So in either case I will have to come sound out of the 1/8 Mini jack port to the TV and figure the TV bus info from the Manuals?

If I placed a HDMI graphics card in the machine sound is still a no go correct?

Well not an answer to my problem, but thanks for the reference. I did look at the card to reference on Newegg.com.......

But even with all the video output from that card. My confusion remains.

an HMDI cable will pass both audio and video but the MSI 1050t will not push sound.
i have the 750ti lowprofile in one of my 'htpc' with an audio card too. basically bought two SFF refurbs last spring so i could play around with Plex and Kodi and not mess up my main computers. i can test out later tonight if i can get audio through the video card

Thanks Samaratin

here was another link that I hoped would solve for me. I posted in the last position my results. I'm stumped


Ok, using the dirt cheap EVGA 730 GT (low profile).. audio does go through the video card hdmi output to tv/monitor. Havent checked my Lowprofile 750ti yet, but i'm assuming it will be the same.. didn't have to change any settings.. turned computer on after connecting cables and windows start up sound came right through on password screen
Hi samartin

If I buy the fancy MSI sound card ....I worry that ...well I read that the Video card will have an embedded sound driver in the card. but that's no help if the board is not pushing sound to the PCI card slot. Anyone have any spec's or experience with boards that old and how to tell if the board is separate audio video not combined?