Dynex tv has no picture


Aug 21, 2012
Hello, my 46 inch LCD Dynex started having issues with the picture a couple of weeks ago....the picture would disappear (still had audio though), by changing the channel a couple of times I could get the pic back. It happened several times over the next couple of weeks, now when I turn the TV on I get absolutely no picture at all, just audio. I called Dynex and they had me power the TV on and off a couple of times and then told me I was out of luck as the TV was 8 weeks over the 12 month warranty period. Thanks for nothing Dynex and Best Buy (I think they should change their name to Not Best Buy!!) Any ideas would be appreciated.


Feb 19, 2009
Unfortunately, asside from get a repair estimate, there's not much you CAN do. You could plead your case to best buy, see if you can add on a warranty after your purchase. I did that a few times for customers (though i didn't work for best buy, so I have no idea if they even can). Talk with their GM, sales, or OPS manager, they're the three with the power to do stuff like that.