I agree that Electronic Arts is a leader in what is wrong with corporate America. Costumers are cash cows to be exploited for the good of profits. As a gamer it has been annoying, some of the best games are from EA. They are great to play, and they suck to play. Between patches, DRM, serial keys, and simply poor software engineering, I'm not buying any more of their crap. Worst company? NO! The commericial banking sector, and oil companies are far worse in the lives they have destroyed, the social cost of their prosperity, and the damage to the environment. For a entertainment company, they have a long track record they have been living down to, this isn't something new. EA's failures go back to Battlefield Vietnam and Command and Conquer Generals. Command and Conquer Generals 2 is due out this year, my friends are excited, but I am not willing to pay good money to repeat the experiences I've had with their other games.