Edit a Tivo file??



Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

I have a 10 minute Tivo file (TV News) that I want to cut down and save about a two minute portion. Have downloaded and tried several demo .mpeg editing programs, nothing has worked. Any suggestions?? Can this be done?

thanks... gloria
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

In article <FP42e.7946$z.1199@newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net>, Gloria wrote:
> I have a 10 minute Tivo file (TV News) that I want to cut down and save about a two minute portion. Have downloaded and tried several demo .mpeg editing programs, nothing has worked. Any suggestions?? Can this be done?

We need more info. Is this on the PC or the TiVo? If it's on the PC,
how did you get it there? Do you care where the result is? Do you
have more than one TiVo (eg MultiRooomViewing)? Do you have TiVoToGo?

I don't know of any good methods that work on a single, non-networked
TiVo (though I can think of things that would work). But for most of
the other setups you might have, there are ways.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

Sorry, the program is both still on Tivo and I also have transferred it to the PC via TiVoToGo. It is just under 10 minutes and I want to capture about 1.5 minutes to a file that can be played on the PC and/or copied to a CD. While it will play on the Tivo desktop, will not allow me to fast foward to the end when the part I want is.

I have downloaded and tried several different mpeg editing programs, none of which worked. Have also tried Windows Movie Maker which tells me I have a codec missing.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


Chris Buckley wrote:

> In article <FP42e.7946$z.1199@newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net>, Gloria wrote:
>>I have a 10 minute Tivo file (TV News) that I want to cut down and save about a two minute portion. Have downloaded and tried several demo .mpeg editing programs, nothing has worked. Any suggestions?? Can this be done?
> We need more info. Is this on the PC or the TiVo? If it's on the PC,
> how did you get it there? Do you care where the result is? Do you
> have more than one TiVo (eg MultiRooomViewing)? Do you have TiVoToGo?
> I don't know of any good methods that work on a single, non-networked
> TiVo (though I can think of things that would work). But for most of
> the other setups you might have, there are ways.
> Chris
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

In article <Icd2e.8169$z.4670@newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net>, Gloria wrote:

> Sorry, the program is both still on Tivo and I also have transferred
> it to the PC via TiVoToGo. It is just under 10 minutes and I want
> to capture about 1.5 minutes to a file that can be played on the PC
> and/or copied to a CD. While it will play on the Tivo desktop, will
> not allow me to fast foward to the end when the part I want is. I
> have downloaded and tried several different mpeg editing programs,
> none of which worked. Have also tried Windows Movie Maker which
> tells me I have a codec missing. Thanks for any help you can
> provide! gloria

A .tivo PC file is not directly in mpeg format; it's both encrypted
and uses TiVo's private codec. That's why your mpeg editors didn't work.
TiVo supplies a filter to decrypt it. Only players/editors that are
"DirectShow" enabled will know enough to use the TiVo filter.

Since this sounds like a one-time thing, I would just download the
free 15-day trial version of Sonic MyDVD.
http://www.tivo.com/4.9.19.asp and follow links.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)


Thanks for the help!!

I followed the link and downloaded the 15 day trial. I managed to blunder through and have successfully edited the file dow to two minutes and wrote it to CD (don't have a DVD burner). there are numerous directories and files on the CD, Now, is there any way to convert it to a mpeg so that I can email it to a friend?


Chris Buckley wrote:
> In article <Icd2e.8169$z.4670@newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net>, Gloria wrote:
>>Sorry, the program is both still on Tivo and I also have transferred
>>it to the PC via TiVoToGo. It is just under 10 minutes and I want
>>to capture about 1.5 minutes to a file that can be played on the PC
>>and/or copied to a CD. While it will play on the Tivo desktop, will
>>not allow me to fast foward to the end when the part I want is. I
>>have downloaded and tried several different mpeg editing programs,
>>none of which worked. Have also tried Windows Movie Maker which
>>tells me I have a codec missing. Thanks for any help you can
>>provide! gloria
> A .tivo PC file is not directly in mpeg format; it's both encrypted
> and uses TiVo's private codec. That's why your mpeg editors didn't work.
> TiVo supplies a filter to decrypt it. Only players/editors that are
> "DirectShow" enabled will know enough to use the TiVo filter.
> Since this sounds like a one-time thing, I would just download the
> free 15-day trial version of Sonic MyDVD.
> http://www.tivo.com/4.9.19.asp and follow links.
> Chris
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

In article <qTi2e.11258$S46.10497@newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net>, Gloria wrote:
> Chris,
> Thanks for the help!!

> I followed the link and downloaded the 15 day trial. I managed to
> blunder through and have successfully edited the file dow to two
> minutes and wrote it to CD (don't have a DVD burner). there are
> numerous directories and files on the CD, Now, is there any way to
> convert it to a mpeg so that I can email it to a friend?

The copy on the CD should be in mpeg format; you should be able to
just copy it and send it via email. (Although I've never tried this
with Sonic and CD's).
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

It is not, and when I try to save it as an mpeg, get an error stating something to the effect "Tivo files are copyrighted, cannot be saved as mpeg".

The CD contains multiple directories, none of which contain any file that will open for me. The CD will play using windows media player.


Chris Buckley wrote:

>>I followed the link and downloaded the 15 day trial. I managed to
>>blunder through and have successfully edited the file dow to two
>>minutes and wrote it to CD (don't have a DVD burner). there are
>>numerous directories and files on the CD, Now, is there any way to
>>convert it to a mpeg so that I can email it to a friend?
> The copy on the CD should be in mpeg format; you should be able to
> just copy it and send it via email. (Although I've never tried this
> with Sonic and CD's).
> Chris
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

Gloria wrote:
> It is not, and when I try to save it as an mpeg, get an error stating
> something to the effect "Tivo files are copyrighted, cannot be saved as
> mpeg".
> The CD contains multiple directories, none of which contain any file
> that will open for me. The CD will play using windows media player.
> gloria

The Sonic software may not allow you to create and distribute electronic
files due to copyright issues. It may be restricted to only creating
non-copyrighted physical DVDs. This would "somewhat" prevent the mass
distributing of electronic copies of movies, etc.

The site at www.evillabs.net/tivo outlines a method that would covert
your .tivo file to a standard mpeg file, which you could then edit
anyway you'd want to. Unfortunately that method is not for the faint of
heart. I did get it to work however, and once you do it once, it gets
easier ;-).

Randy S.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

"Gloria" <gloria@shadypines.com> wrote in message
> It is not, and when I try to save it as an mpeg, get an error stating
> something to the effect "Tivo files are copyrighted, cannot be saved as
> mpeg".
> The CD contains multiple directories, none of which contain any file that
> will open for me. The CD will play using windows media player.

Sounds like you created a VCD or SVCD. Is there a MPEG directory? If so,
copy the file in there to your PC, rename it to have an extension of MPG and
see if you can now double click the file for playback.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

In article <d2cj51$14h0$1@spnode25.nerdc.ufl.edu>, Randy S. wrote:
> Gloria wrote:
>> It is not, and when I try to save it as an mpeg, get an error stating
>> something to the effect "Tivo files are copyrighted, cannot be saved as
>> mpeg".
>> The CD contains multiple directories, none of which contain any file
>> that will open for me. The CD will play using windows media player.
>> gloria
> The Sonic software may not allow you to create and distribute electronic
> files due to copyright issues. It may be restricted to only creating
> non-copyrighted physical DVDs. This would "somewhat" prevent the mass
> distributing of electronic copies of movies, etc.
> The site at www.evillabs.net/tivo outlines a method that would covert
> your .tivo file to a standard mpeg file, which you could then edit
> anyway you'd want to. Unfortunately that method is not for the faint of
> heart. I did get it to work however, and once you do it once, it gets
> easier ;-).
> Randy S.

Yes. I was trying to avoid inflicting that (or its equivalent) upon
Gloria from the beginning, but it sounds like it may be the best bet.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

> Yes. I was trying to avoid inflicting that (or its equivalent) upon
> Gloria from the beginning, but it sounds like it may be the best bet.
> Chris

Yea, it's a last resort. I don't know if that's what the problem is,
but I can see where MPAA policies might restricting it.

Randy S.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

I have looked at that site and was quite overwhelmed. Looks like a huge learning curve for a simple 2 minute clip.

Randy S. wrote:

> The Sonic software may not allow you to create and distribute electronic
> files due to copyright issues. It may be restricted to only creating
> non-copyrighted physical DVDs. This would "somewhat" prevent the mass
> distributing of electronic copies of movies, etc.
> The site at www.evillabs.net/tivo outlines a method that would covert
> your .tivo file to a standard mpeg file, which you could then edit
> anyway you'd want to. Unfortunately that method is not for the faint of
> heart. I did get it to work however, and once you do it once, it gets
> easier ;-).
> Randy S.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

Tried that, got

"Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."

Media player plays it fine from CD

Seth wrote:

> "Gloria" <gloria@shadypines.com> wrote in message
> news:ncj2e.11301$S46.9635@newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
>> It is not, and when I try to save it as an mpeg, get an error stating
>> something to the effect "Tivo files are copyrighted, cannot be saved
>> as mpeg".
>> The CD contains multiple directories, none of which contain any file
>> that will open for me. The CD will play using windows media player.
> Sounds like you created a VCD or SVCD. Is there a MPEG directory? If
> so, copy the file in there to your PC, rename it to have an extension of
> MPG and see if you can now double click the file for playback.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

Yikes, just tried it a second time and IT WORKED, you folks are the best!!!

Thanks a bunch!!!

Seth wrote:

> "Gloria" <gloria@shadypines.com> wrote in message
> news:ncj2e.11301$S46.9635@newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
>> It is not, and when I try to save it as an mpeg, get an error stating
>> something to the effect "Tivo files are copyrighted, cannot be saved
>> as mpeg".
>> The CD contains multiple directories, none of which contain any file
>> that will open for me. The CD will play using windows media player.
> Sounds like you created a VCD or SVCD. Is there a MPEG directory? If
> so, copy the file in there to your PC, rename it to have an extension of
> MPG and see if you can now double click the file for playback.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

Ok, one more question please... now that I have gotten it to work, the 2 minute clip is almost 23mb, any way to compress this a bit??

Gloria wrote:

> Yikes, just tried it a second time and IT WORKED, you folks are the best!!!
> Thanks a bunch!!!
> Seth wrote:
>> Sounds like you created a VCD or SVCD. Is there a MPEG directory? If
>> so, copy the file in there to your PC, rename it to have an extension
>> of MPG and see if you can now double click the file for playback.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

Gloria wrote:
> Ok, one more question please... now that I have gotten it to work, the 2
> minute clip is almost 23mb, any way to compress this a bit??

Glad it worked!

MPEG's are quite large. Converting it to another format will make it
quite a bit smaller at the cost of some quality. If you can live with
that, you might want to look at converting it to an WMV file if you're
sending to someone else with Windows. That should be quite a bit
smaller. There are other options, such as AVI and MPEG4, but I think
WMV does the most compression right now.

Now that you've got an unencrypted mpeg file, Windows Media Player may
be able to convert it to WMV for you.

Randy S.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

Windows Movie Maker converted it to .wmv in a suitable size, thanks again for all the help!!

Randy S. wrote:

> Gloria wrote:
>> Ok, one more question please... now that I have gotten it to work, the
>> 2 minute clip is almost 23mb, any way to compress this a bit??
> Glad it worked!
> MPEG's are quite large. Converting it to another format will make it
> quite a bit smaller at the cost of some quality. If you can live with
> that, you might want to look at converting it to an WMV file if you're
> sending to someone else with Windows. That should be quite a bit
> smaller. There are other options, such as AVI and MPEG4, but I think
> WMV does the most compression right now.
> Now that you've got an unencrypted mpeg file, Windows Media Player may
> be able to convert it to WMV for you.
> Randy S.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

Gloria wrote:
> Windows Movie Maker converted it to .wmv in a suitable size, thanks
> again for all the help!!

Glad to be of service. I'm sure the others are as well.

Randy S.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

"Chris Buckley" <chrisb@sabir.com> wrote in message
> Since this sounds like a one-time thing, I would just download the
> free 15-day trial version of Sonic MyDVD.
> http://www.tivo.com/4.9.19.asp and follow links.
> Chris

I was not impressed with the video quality when I tried Sonic MyDVD...I burned
a show (recorded at High on my Tivo) to DVD, and the result was extremely
blocky on my HDTV with progressive scan DVD player.

Watching the show directly from my Tivo had no such blockiness (either through
my standalone Tivo or my DVD-R Tivo, also progressive scan). I can only
assume their resampling algorithm needs work...
