Editing a file on the cloud by a 3rd party application


Apr 19, 2017
Looking for a file manager or a similar application that will allow me the following functionality:

editing a file directly on cloud (google drive) by a 3rd party application.

That woulb practically mean:
1. Downloading the file from the cloud.
2. Passing the downloaded file for the 3rd party application for edit.
3. After file saved in the 3rd party application, upload the updated file back to the cloud.

The two things you wrote are not the same. To edit an item while on the cloud itself would mean not doing what you have listed in the steps. I do not believe it is possible to edit them from within the cloud. I would check with Google to be sure though. They may have an option or two, or be adding one.

The steps you listed, however, would just mean making the changes on your own computer/phone/tablet. So not actually on the cloud itself.

Thank you!

What I really mean is the second one.
I am reffering to it as "editing on the cloud" as opposed to having an copy of the file on the phone and keeping them in sync.
So instead I am wanting to whenever a requset is made to access a file from the cloud for editing, it's being downloaded, edited on the phone, and then uploaded. It's a kind of simulating editing "on the cloud" by a software layer on the phone.

This way, there is no need to periodically poll the server to see if the local version is still up to date. You only download it every time, access is requested.

Is this clear?


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I knew some ftp clients on the pc that operated this way.