I bought a MicroSDHC Card (8 GB) a few days ago. I opened it and I saw a folder of many songs. It was not corrupted at that time. I transferred an .exe setup file into the SD Card and the download speed is 4 MB/s. I eject the device with SD Card. And after a few moments, when I plugged the device, the .exe setup file was there. And when I open the .exe setup file, the message appeared, "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program.'' I opened the audio files that I saw first, its working. And then I tried to put images in SD Card, and then I eject and plugged again. It also worked. Only .exe setup files were giving a error message. It's so hard to find a solution to this. Please make a solution to my problem.... I want to transfer any kind of files into the SD Card easily and carefully.