fancey cache or ramdisk

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Sep 20, 2008
was wondering wich of these I should use. I want to use it for a video game (guild wars 2) as well as internet explorer.

now the video game is 15.4GB so I don't think I can put the entire game on a ram disk so maybe fancy cache is the only option I don't know.

also is there a difference detween ram disk and primo-ramdisk

found here

my last question is how would I install internet explorerer to a ram disk drive since its pre-installed already and I have no idea where to get it at or what to do with these programs.

oh and I have 12GB of ram
im not a big gammer have only played a few in my life I still got 60gb left on my hyperX 120gb. but I would like to speed things up in map loading and such thinking fancy cache would be my only option. question now is has anyone ever had problems with fancy cache?
im really interested in using Fancy Cache, but I had some problems and not sure if it was fancy cache or, I did about the same time just put in a new motherboard without re-installing. and then installed fancy cahce not sure what caused the major issues I was having but I eventualy had no choice but to completely back things up and re-install windows.

theres a good chance fancy cache wasn't the cause but I don't want to really find out the hard way have to re-install again so is there any insight on this from someone who has used it?
This may be a bit late, but I felt this thread needed some info.

You seem to have some misconceptions about how computers operate. Moving IE to a RAMdisk, for example, will not have one iota of difference in how fast it runs. Programs do not run from disks, RAM or otherwise. They run in RAM, and IE typically takes a very short time to load to RAM. After that, even if it disappeared from the drive, you would not notice since it would still be running in RAM. One way to speed up IE using a RAMdisk, if you use a cache (and all who do not have very fast internet speeds would benefit from one), is to move the temp internet files to a RAMdisk. That way, former pages would load much faster than they would from disk.

Games, and some other apps like CAD, are slightly different. They, too, run from RAM and the executable is loaded before the game runs. But due to the large number of images, textures, and media files needed to display all the possible screens, the disk is accessed often to retrieve those parts since RAM is rarely large enough for them. In a case like that, a RAMdisk would be of enormous benefit in preventing lags and jumps that may occur due to delays in loading. But if the game shows no delays, then a RAMdisk will not change that, either.

As far a FancyCache or PrimoCache go, they are both still in beta. That means that even under the best of circumstances, errors may occur and data on your machine could be lost. You should test it on an unimportant machine, or at least be prepared to completely restore your system if need be from a full backup. Erros in the programs will only be magnified and confused by any other instabilities in the system, so all should be running perfectly before it is installed.
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