Fried GPU? or Broken LCD?


Oct 10, 2014
hello everyone, I have an HP-G42 that is almost 5yrs old. Last week, the screen went black while i was playing an old game (NFSU2), then i went to restart it, but it did not display on the lcd. I could still hear the fan spinning and the led lights are on.
Hardware dies its just a fact of life man your lucky you got 5 years out of the laptop most are lucky to get 3 looks like the only other thing to do would be to get a seperate monitor or try and fix the current one yourself it's probably that video converter thing like dk said mine had a little rectangle shaped thing behind the screen that came unplugged yours may have dies completely.
OK, first of all. does the monitor turn ON? try to press a button on the monitor and see if it display something, then if it does; the monitor is good.
Now, it sounds like your video card just quit on you!

If you mean the lcd display of the laptop, its just black. I just tried hooking it to an external lcd display, and it works, the only thing is its in 1024x768 instead of 1366x768.
so I was looking a way to set the external monitor resolution to its native 1366x768 when I saw that the laptop is using the Microsoft basic display adapter or whatever it is called, and not the ati mobility radeon hd5470.. does this mean that the embedded graphics card(I guess it is how its called) is fried?
My laptop did this once turns out there was a little plug behind the monitor came loose, it was real easy to fix i'm sure you could find a youtube video on how to take your screen apart if it comes down to it.

thanks for the reply, ill try to look for videos and be back here after I do it.
Sounds like your laptop lcd is causing the issues, you connected a separate monitor and it worked. you can try to check if a cable is loose or it just died on you. did anybody hit the laptop monitor? Also, you can try resetting the laptop monitor resolution to its default, do it when having the other display connected.
Your video card (chip) is working or it wouldn't work on the external display. I would first try replacing the video converter if your model has one(its a card inside the monitor housing usually below the screen) then the lcd. Get an exact screen for your laptop. best to look for one with the model number of your old one (ebay)
I tried reseating the cable that connects the lcd to the motherboard, still did not fix it. I tried reinstalling the video card drivers from the laptop manufacturer(HP), and also from amd, both resulted in bsods, and some red vertical lines after restart. now i am back to the microsoft display adapter.. 🙁
Hardware dies its just a fact of life man your lucky you got 5 years out of the laptop most are lucky to get 3 looks like the only other thing to do would be to get a seperate monitor or try and fix the current one yourself it's probably that video converter thing like dk said mine had a little rectangle shaped thing behind the screen that came unplugged yours may have dies completely.