OK - as this is about the fifth post about the same thing - core 'unlocking', I feel obligated to finally post something that someone may read in advance of screwing around with it... Unless you value your time at absolutely nothing, if you want a four core CPU, pay for a four core CPU - you'll be far ahead in the long run. The reason for these processors in the first place, is it allows AMD to improve their 'yield', i.e., they get more 'saleable' processors per wafer, albeit they sell them more cheaply. There was a reason, during testing after 'the slice', that cores were disabled - they don't meet spec! At Intel, they go on the floor; at AMD, they go in a box, and get shipped to some 'hopeful', who guesses he might 'rehabilitate' something that's 'broken' in the first place! You may be able to 'turn them on', and you may or may not have stability problems ever after - why mess with it? It's like marrying a drunk, in the hope of 'fixing' their problems!
I would never buy an AMD setup in the first place, even for the most mundane task... IMHO, Intel makes better, more 'tightly' integrated chips/chipsets, with infinitely better overclockability - but, that aside, my main reason is documentation. If you need to know something about Intel system components, there's literally gigabytes of information, easily and publicly available; I recently set about to learn about the i7/x58, and dl'd thousands of pages of documentation - which makes the task finding what's important to your needs - but it's all there! On the other hand, I recently undertook to find out what the actual hardware situation is for the ganged/unganged memory question for AMDs, as well as the actual reason for the DIMM count limits on high-speed memory - searched and scrounged for two whole days, read nearly three-hundred pages of 'semi-randomly' distributed documentation - very little up-to-date - and never learned anything really relevant!