I don't even know what a thread is . My tablet simply will not turn on nor off . This occurred a few
weeks past 1-yr. warranty and after an attempted update , suggested with a notification that I had
presumed was Samsung , a lollipop type 6.0 .. after 'clicking' agree , and I left it alone for 2 hr an
45 minutes . Upon attempting to use it as "normal" ; WOW , it acts totally locked up ! SAM tech.
support ( 3 calls & 2 hours ) was no help . My main question is , " Is my 10.5 S tablet (2015) even
worth considering sending in for repair ? " Original cost nearly $530.oo . Samsung will never again
BE bought by me , even though prior to the " update " , I liked the unit (w/ a blue-tooth keyboard) .
It has been several months and just today , I again thought I might try to get someone to give
me simple answer (s) or suggestions . Preferred method is by a telephone conversation . I do
NOT do the wwwwwwchatbox thing . I 'm thinking it 's another long-shot , but thought I might
try this site . Cannot find help thru Samsung nor the local kid . Thanks for at least " listening " !
At this time (20 Dec) i'll leave this * ? * tab/page/site open .. .. if that 's what I ought
to do . Nonetheless .. .. .. Merry Christmas
weeks past 1-yr. warranty and after an attempted update , suggested with a notification that I had
presumed was Samsung , a lollipop type 6.0 .. after 'clicking' agree , and I left it alone for 2 hr an
45 minutes . Upon attempting to use it as "normal" ; WOW , it acts totally locked up ! SAM tech.
support ( 3 calls & 2 hours ) was no help . My main question is , " Is my 10.5 S tablet (2015) even
worth considering sending in for repair ? " Original cost nearly $530.oo . Samsung will never again
BE bought by me , even though prior to the " update " , I liked the unit (w/ a blue-tooth keyboard) .
It has been several months and just today , I again thought I might try to get someone to give
me simple answer (s) or suggestions . Preferred method is by a telephone conversation . I do
NOT do the wwwwwwchatbox thing . I 'm thinking it 's another long-shot , but thought I might
try this site . Cannot find help thru Samsung nor the local kid . Thanks for at least " listening " !
At this time (20 Dec) i'll leave this * ? * tab/page/site open .. .. if that 's what I ought
to do . Nonetheless .. .. .. Merry Christmas