Galaxy S 10.5 tablet has no on or off activity , an is out of warranty , is it worth a 'repair' ?

ok - fine

Dec 20, 2016
I don't even know what a thread is . My tablet simply will not turn on nor off . This occurred a few
weeks past 1-yr. warranty and after an attempted update , suggested with a notification that I had
presumed was Samsung , a lollipop type 6.0 .. after 'clicking' agree , and I left it alone for 2 hr an
45 minutes . Upon attempting to use it as "normal" ; WOW , it acts totally locked up ! SAM tech.
support ( 3 calls & 2 hours ) was no help . My main question is , " Is my 10.5 S tablet (2015) even
worth considering sending in for repair ? " Original cost nearly $530.oo . Samsung will never again
BE bought by me , even though prior to the " update " , I liked the unit (w/ a blue-tooth keyboard) .
It has been several months and just today , I again thought I might try to get someone to give
me simple answer (s) or suggestions . Preferred method is by a telephone conversation . I do
NOT do the wwwwwwchatbox thing . I 'm thinking it 's another long-shot , but thought I might
try this site . Cannot find help thru Samsung nor the local kid . Thanks for at least " listening " !
At this time (20 Dec) i'll leave this * ? * tab/page/site open .. .. if that 's what I ought
to do . Nonetheless .. .. .. Merry Christmas
In order to re-set/re-start my 'frozen' they had me hold : pwr & volume up / pwr & volume down .. when neither worked it was
tried by holding (3) , the power & volume down & homepage simultaneously for about a minute ===> NO USE . My tablet
DID NOT restart/reboot or re-anything .. .. dead ... is it worth trying for repair ? The update was on (thru tablet settings page)
a 79% (& plugged in) charge also . Firmware ---Software ... don't understand the wwwwmachine terminology . THANKS fer your
effort and inquiry today . It is appreciated !
The update, if it wasn't directly through the tablet, done through the tablets "Settings" then it may have not been an update from the manufacturer. Which could mean you were sent something you didn't need/want.

To check you would need to be able to turn it on though. Have you made sure that it is fully charged?

It was done on the tablet settings page notifications link with a 79% battery an plugged in .
I presumed it was a factory upgrade , but at this point that doesn 't matter . When the thing

could NOT , be re-started / re-booted or turned on nor off { f r o z e n } with sammy people's
or the local tech. kid ... no one knows because " we " can not get it to turn ON or OFF .
Left it plugged in overnight , yet ther was ( is ) no way to double-check a battery status .. ..
simply a DEAD screen ... it did show at one point a * grey colored battery symbol * BUT
no ( life to it ) any information such as a percentage . Just seems a " DEAD " expensive
ONE- year an maybe 3 weeks , toy ! Thanks for your time and effort however . ok - fine