Gamer/Streamer looking to get better headphones


Nov 11, 2016
Hi! Im a streamer and I am looking to get into higher end headphones.

Im looking toward a set of dedicated headphones, no microphone attached. I was thinking of something audio-technica, and am willing to check out other brands.

My budget is sub 200$ for now, but if I like what i get, I can upgrade in the future.

I prefer noise cancelling headphones, with comfortable over-ear pads. 3.5mm is a must, so I can connect to my mic to monitor my voice aswell as the game. I have a larger head, so a larger set is a must.

If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them!

(Sidenote: Im also looking for a great pair of earbuds If you have suggestions for that too. (sub-100$))
Are you looking for open back headphones or closed back? Do you know what soundcard or motherboard you are using? Some open back headphones are hard to drive
You can try semi open back Beyerdynamic DT880 or the AKG K7xx or Sennheiser HD6xx from massdrop

As for IEM, what music do you usually listen to?

I ended up getting a great pair of AT headphones, the Audio Technica ATH-AD700X as they were on sale for 100$

I am still on the lookout for the Earbuds, and i listen to a lot of Rap/Heavy Bass music, so I would love to get a good kick out of them, but that might be unrealistic.
(sorry it took a while to awnser, I didnt see the email)

oops sorry me too XD haven been using this forum awhile, usually rap/heavy bass i would recommend the brands Sony, JBL.
this brands are really focused on bass music for model i am not very sure have been playing with higher end product XD