Gaming Laptop for Overseas Deployments


Oct 14, 2012
I need help picking out a laptop I'll be taking with me on overseas deployments. I've been looking at everything from 14" to 17.3" w/ a GTX 1050 ti to a GTX 1070. Mainly I want an i7 processor w/ at least 8GB's of ram. If it will save me money to upgrade the laptop myself I don't have a problem with adding more ram, swapping hard drives, or OS reinstalls to remove bloatware. I'll be using the laptop to do some gaming(Battlefield 1, Assassin's Creed, Shadow of War), Skype with my family, play movies, and surf the web. I have an i7-4790k with a GTX 1080 at home, but I don't need to something similar on the road. I guess I'm looking for being able to play games at least 40-50fps in 1080 on high settings. Below is what I've been looking at, feedback will be greatly appreciated.


While I don't have much input on any specific laptop, you might want to keep the screen size relatively modest if it's something that's going to get transported around a lot. A 17" laptop will typically be relatively large and heavy, especially with gaming-grade hardware on-board.

Also keep in mind that the gaming performance of a laptop GPU will typically be behind that of its desktop counterpart. A laptop 1050 Ti will generally perform a little below the level of a desktop 1050, and a laptop 1060 will generally perform a little below the level of a desktop 1060 3GB. The exact performance level can vary from one laptop to the next though, due to their different cooling solutions.

For 1080p gaming at high settings, I would probably...
While I don't have much input on any specific laptop, you might want to keep the screen size relatively modest if it's something that's going to get transported around a lot. A 17" laptop will typically be relatively large and heavy, especially with gaming-grade hardware on-board.

Also keep in mind that the gaming performance of a laptop GPU will typically be behind that of its desktop counterpart. A laptop 1050 Ti will generally perform a little below the level of a desktop 1050, and a laptop 1060 will generally perform a little below the level of a desktop 1060 3GB. The exact performance level can vary from one laptop to the next though, due to their different cooling solutions.

For 1080p gaming at high settings, I would probably suggest one with at least a GTX 1060 though, and probably no more than a 15.6" screen if it's not going to sit in one place most of the time.