Gaming Laptop

Chocolate Teapot

Apr 1, 2012
Hello all,

recently I've been looking to buy a new laptop for gaming purposes that won't break the bank and I managed to come up with the Acer Aspire 5755G. However, there are a couple of variations specs wise that I am looking into and I had a few questions. One has 8GB of DDR3 RAM and Nvidia Geforce GT 540m 2GB graphics. The other has 6GB of DDR3 RAM and Nvidia Geforce GT 630m 1GB graphics. Both have Intel Core i7 2.20GHz processors. So my question here is, will the additional 2GB of RAM and GT 540m 2GB graphics card make a noticeable difference to performance when gaming? Primarily, I intend to use this laptop for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic (hopefully on high settings), but ideally I would like to be able to play titles such as Battlefield 3 and Skyrim on medium settings as well. Would either of these machines be capable of doing so?

So with all this in mind, which of the two would you guys recommend? Also, I am open to any laptop suggestions that would be able to handle the games I mentioned above. Unfortunately , my budget won't be able to stretch much beyond £700.

Any help on this is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!! :)
It will not make an appreciable difference in gaming performance.
GT 630M is just a renamed GT 540M
Low graphics on BF3 and Skyrim are realistic setting for smooth fluid frame rates.
With Skyrim it might just be possible to tweak settings to get a taste of medium graphics gameplay.