gateway computer processor upgrade

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Jan 6, 2015
ok, so i have a gateway computer, please dont give me answers like i should just buy a new computer because im 15 and have nowhere near enough money to buy one. However, i have enough money to buy a processor. I was looking at a processor, and have made sure it fits the socket type and everything. here are the exact specs for my computer:
CPU: Intel Pentium G630
GPU: Integrated graphics
HD: 750 GB
Socket type: LGA1155
motherboard: Not sure, but it's max wattage is 65 W
Power supply: 220 W
so 65 W is the max processor i can get
im running calll of duty black ops 2 currently with everything on low settings, at about 20-30 fps, and also games such as starcraft with same results. Would my computer have much of a difference if i got a Intel Core i3-2120? I think it's better than an intel Pentium, but would it make a difference gaming wise? Also, taking into account that this computer accepts upgrades for the graphics card with a memory slot type of DDR3, what could be the cheapest graphics card I could buy that may signifigantly increase performance? Sorry shouldve mentioned earlier the computer is a
Gateway SX2855.
Once again, helpful answers only, not just telling me to buy a new computer please. I'm particularly interested in this processor because i found it for $89 used in good condition on amazon, so I was wondering what else you guys need to know to answer this, but basically, whats the cheapest graphics card i could get to improve performance with the processor i have now, or, what do you guys think the processor i mentioned would do to my gaming, as it has a later version of Integrated HD graphics (I know not the best but it seems to work for me so far, with first gen integrated graphics getting about 20-30 fps on low settings on black ops 2. a little less on black ops 2 zombies.)
From what I've found; the factory motherbd supports any of the second gen Intel i3 65w processors so the 2120 should work.

The best graphics card for your system is probably the gtx750Ti though due to the age of your power supply you might want to upgrade that first.
The 750Ti does not need auxillary power from the PSU, it runs off the 75w's that the pcie bus provides.
From what I've found; the factory motherbd supports any of the second gen Intel i3 65w processors so the 2120 should work.

The best graphics card for your system is probably the gtx750Ti though due to the age of your power supply you might want to upgrade that first.
The 750Ti does not need auxillary power from the PSU, it runs off the 75w's that the pcie bus provides.

but would upgrading to that processor increase my gaming performance at all? and would a NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 graphics card work too? And finally, should i keep the processor and get the graphics card i mentioned, or get the new processor and not get the graphics card, or just get both? in other words would i get signifigant gaming improvment with the graphics card i just mentioned, or with the processor i mentioned?

I only have enough money right now for one of them, so what you're saying is that I should get the graphics card first, as opposed to getting a processor first?
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