get facebook icon back after disappeared from phone/drawer

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Oct 22, 2015
my facebook shortcut icon has disappeared from my phone. from the "drawer" and everywhere. it started when facebook refused to stay open. so i uninstalled facebook. tried to re-install facebook probably 50 times. keep getting error -24. it will not finish installing, followed complicated directions from the phone to try and re-install facebook. went to all kinds of places it told me to go to, restarted many times, even found where it showed "hidden" apps --- nothing. cleared data, cache from a bunch of places (and more) that it told me to go. checked my sd card. no icon. and facebook would not install. facebook was still showing that my account was connected through chrome to my phone, but it would not open it. i could open facebook only if i went through the browser. and the shortcut icon is absolutely nowhere to be found on my phone. i am NOT an android geek. i am getting to learn more. i always ask my buddy. he is stumped too. any help would be appreciated. have looked through several forums and found nothing to help.
You don't have the icon because the app is not installed. Error 24 is triggered when you try to install an app but the system detects leftover data from a previous installation. If, as you say, you've already exhausted all methods (and there are quite a few when you Google that error), then the only alternative is to perform a factory reset which will wipe all data from your device.
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