Getting files ready stuck when installing windows 10 to SSD


Feb 15, 2014
I got a new Acer laptop(E5 575 77CD) and it has a HDD and a SSD that is in place of the the CDROM. But there is a problem, when I try to install windows to the SSD it gets stuck on the Getting files ready part. I tried installing windows to the HDD and it worked, even the SSD seemed to work while in windows. I tried using different usb sticks and different versions of windows. If anybody has some suggestions please write them down.

Yes, but I think that even couldn't be the problem since I installed windows from the same USB to my PC and the laptops HDD, it only doesn't install to the SSD since it gets stuck.
Make sure that only the SSD is plugged into SATA_0 channel. Remove all other drives. Make sure that BIOS is set to optimized defaults. Make sure that SATA mode is set to AHCI

Ok I did that, I put the switched the SSD with the HDD, but now the HDD keeps crashing, I guess the adapter is bad or something, can you suggest what I should do. I am thinking of just buying another adapter, maybe you can recommend a brand.
I'm confused. I thought that you were trying to install the OS to the SSD.
What specific adapter are you talking about?
Remember that windows does not like to run through USB bus at all.
It is extremely difficult to get it to work.

I was trying to install windows to the SSD and I finally did. The adapter I am talking about is the one that makes a laptops CDROM slot into a spot to put your 2.5 inch drives. So there is one of these adapters in my bought laptop and there was a SSD in it. But when the SSD was in the adapter slot it kept crashing. So I switched the SSD with the HDD. Now the HDD is in the adapter slot. Now it keeps crashing. So I think the culprit for the drives crashing is the adapter.