Getting new sound bar to work with old tv

1. Make sure that the digital output on the TV is turned on. You may have to turn the TV speakers off and change the audio output type in the TV menu too.
2. The converter you got is bi-directional so the input switch has to be in the correct position for it to work.
3. Make sure that you have selected the correct input on the soundbar.
Oct 16, 2018
Thanks - question for you - what goes in input and what goes in output - does the optical from the soundbar go into input and the coax to tv go into output or vice versa - I did try turning off tv speakers - what audio type would you change too - THANKS

quotemsg=21406523,0,185706]1. Make sure that the digital output on the TV is turned on. You may have to turn the TV speakers off and change the audio output type in the TV menu too.
2. The converter you got is bi-directional so the input switch has to be in the correct position for it to work.
3. Make sure that you have selected the correct input on the soundbar.[/quotemsg]