good deal to purchase? (Please Help) I am new to computers need a recommendation :)


Jan 9, 2017
I have an option to purchase a Dell I7559 model for $500 U.S it has a 960m graphics card and was upgraded to 16gb DDR3 Ram. I think it is 2.6ghz is that alot? It doesn't have an optical drive but is that really needed in this day and age? What is the big difference between DDR3 AND DDR4? WI'll this make a difference if I'm primarily using this laptop for djing, music production and video editing? Do I need a USB -C what are the benefits to a usb-c or a thunderport? I will be using this laptop for everything and some light gaming.

Is this a good deal or should I wait and get a series 10 gpu? Or what do you guys recommend for me?

Thank you for the recommendations in advance.