good dvd copying software?


Jun 27, 2001
Can't seem to get dvd x copy platinum 3.xx to work, so i now have a month old 8x dvd burner which i haven't used yet 🙁. Anyone know any software out there that is really good at copying dvd's? (i mean backing up dvd's :). What do you all use and why?


<font color=purple>A7n8xDX2.0|B2500+@200x11=3200+(2.2ghz)(1.775v)Corsair512twinxpc3200llpt(2-2-2-6)R9700P(stock)160Gx2WD7200RPM 8MB HD|Enermax460W|T:43C@N,50C@FL,MB 28C|3DMark2001 17087|3DMark2003 5134</font color=purple>
I hate it when people don't respond to posts, even after a couple days like yours.

The software I use for straight up dvd copying (not ripping, copying) is DVD Shrink. I'm not sure if there's a full "legal" copy out there. If I were you, I'd just search on kazaa/emule/dc++/etc or some other file sharing program for it, or even google could get it for you.

The reason why I like this way over Dvd x-copy is because of compression. DVD Shrink has so many options for compressing video it's not even funny. Dvd x-copy basically just says copy and that's it. DVD Shrink lets you make the credits crappier quality than the rest of the movie thus saving space, thus allowing less or no compression of the dvd itself.

It's all good ^_^
I agree, but it looks like this software section doesn't get many responses to anything much. I was like thinking, there MUST be people out there using software for DVD stuff, considering you can get an 8x recorder for a 100 bucks now.

Thanks for your response! I'm going to go find me a copy of DVD Shrink and have a go.

<font color=purple>A7n8xDX2.0|B2500+@200x11=3200+(2.2ghz)(1.775v)Corsair512twinxpc3200llpt(2-2-2-6)R9700P(stock)160Gx2WD7200RPM 8MB HD|Enermax460W|T:43C@N,50C@FL,MB 28C|3DMark2001 17087|3DMark2003 5134</font color=purple>
As far as I'm aware, Nero can make DVD player discs using avi's ??? so Ive heard anyway.

To get the Avi's I use virtual dub, with some codecs, DivX5 or Xvid


Opel Superboss, now that was a car!
What I use is <A HREF="" target="_new">DVD Shrink</A> and <A HREF="" target="_new">DVD Decrypter</A>. Both are freeware, and have copied everything I've tried so far. You will still need burning software such as <A HREF="" target="_new">Nero</A>.

<A HREF="" target="_new">System</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">3DMark03</A>
Both DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter are great

<A HREF="" target="_new">My Website</A>

<A HREF="" target="_new">My Rig</A> & <A HREF="" target="_new">3DMark score</A>
Nero 6 is great and all, but its options are lacking, and when making dvd's options are not great.

Is there any other software out there that can burn your vobs into dvds?

<font color=purple>A7n8xDX2.0|B2500+@200x11=3200+(2.2ghz)(1.775v)Corsair512twinxpc3200llpt(2-2-2-6)R9700P(stock)160Gx2WD7200RPM 8MB HD|Enermax460W|T:43C@N,50C@FL,MB 28C|3DMark2001 17087|3DMark2003 5134</font color=purple>
dvdshrink with nero will make you great copies. Mindwarper

Asus p4533c 2.53,4x512 1066,40gb system ,240Gb RAID A/V Drive,80 Gb Export,Radeon 9800 Pro,Matrox Rt.X100,Santa Cruz Turtle Beach,Aardvark Aark 20,Ricoh Mp5125a,Samsung 40x cd,Antec w/400,Xp pro