canon powershot series explinations?


Jun 27, 2001
I might just be computer blind (from reading specs too long) but can anyone outline the differences between the model numbering in the same series of canon powershot cameras?

IE: powershot a70 and a75 and A80 vs A85. I can't figure out the differences...did the color change or something?!?!?!?!...they look identicle


<font color=purple>A7n8xDX2.0|B2500+@200x11=3200+(2.2ghz)(1.775v)Corsair1024pc3500C2(2-2-2-11)R9700P(349C/334M)160Gx2WD7200RPM 8MB HD|Enermax460W|T:43C@N,50C@FL,MB 28C|3DMark2001 17668|3DMark2003 5268</font color=purple>
They have mostly very subtle differences. A80 has slightly shorter focal length (35-105mm vs 38-114mm) and display (1.5in variable position vs 1.8in fixed) than A85. A70 and A75 have a similar difference in displays. You can check out the specs at Canon:
<A HREF="" target="_new">A70</A> vs <A HREF="" target="_new">A75</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">A80</A> vs <A HREF="" target="_new">A85</A>

The pages are arranged similarly, so you can just scroll and compare them easily, but the differences between cameras are minor, as you've already guessed.

<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
"Operation Can't Do Nuthin' About It is now in effect!" -Flavor Flav