Gtx 1050ti vs Rx560X

Feb 3, 2019
I found 2 laptops onewith (gtx 1050ti i58300h)hp, the other is (ryzen 5 3350h and rx560x) Asus TUF both are similar in pricing which one do you think is better??
I can't speak for the AMD Laptop but I know the 1050ti was one of my favorite GPUs. The i5 is quite capable too. Though I wouldn't expect to play any AAA Titles for gaming with the settings on Ultra. But On modified settings you should get some decent FPS on the 1050ti. I personally wouldn't go with anything less than a 1060 6gb though. I just to a 1050ti board back to best buy. It was an EVGA flawless playability. But I was just in wait for the RTX series to come out.

Hope this helps.
Question from ahmad_hasan : "Gtx 1050ti or Rx560x"

i5300h + gtx 1050ti all the way