I found 2 laptops onewith (gtx 1050ti i58300h)hp, the other is (ryzen 5 3350h and rx560x) Asus TUF both are similar in pricing which one do you think is better??
Mind sharing a link to both laptops to scour their specs? Where are you located and how much are you willing to spend on the laptops? How much do both laptops cost? Where would you prefer to purchase the laptop from?
I can't speak for the AMD Laptop but I know the 1050ti was one of my favorite GPUs. The i5 is quite capable too. Though I wouldn't expect to play any AAA Titles for gaming with the settings on Ultra. But On modified settings you should get some decent FPS on the 1050ti. I personally wouldn't go with anything less than a 1060 6gb though. I just to a 1050ti board back to best buy. It was an EVGA flawless playability. But I was just in wait for the RTX series to come out.
MERGED QUESTION Question from ahmad_hasan : "Gtx 1050ti or Rx560x"
ahmad_hasan :
Am currently looking for budget gaming laptop and found 2 laptops one by hp (i5300h , gtx 1050ti ) and the other is by Asus (ryzen 5 3350h , rx560x ) ,both have similar pricing I was just wondering which is better for me to buy?