Headset is crackling


Sep 2, 2012
Hello, I have been using a headset for quite a while and it has been fine, however I encountered a problem. Whenever I have the headphone jack plugged into my pc it becomes very crackly through the headphone. It is intermittent and seems to be affected by how the cable on the headset is placed. I tried just the headphone cable in my ipod and it is playing through fine so maybe it is my pc?


It appears that it is in fact the microphone jack which is causing the static.
Hello I found a solution for the crackling usb headset noise, just get usb charger cable, plug this in your pc and at the other end of the cable put your phone in for charging and crackling noises will go...
Thanks for the reply but that did not work. I have gone ahead and got a separate microphone which is working fine so it was definitely the headset which was broken.
Thanks again.