Hello is 128GB ssd on a laptop enough?


Oct 14, 2016
In buying a laptop for someone, he uses it for school, watches videos, playes small games and I guess plays Minecraft or something on it?

The laptop I chose has 128GB SSD and I was wondering, is this decent? Or is this like a huge rip off and can you like not do anything with it?

I mean its better than the 32GB laptops but it stills 128GB storage.

Thank you

No, for multiple reasons.
Slow, limited reliability, easy to lose.

Just get a laptop with a proper size drive. Either HDD or SSD, whatever fits in the budget.
240GB minimum.

For a non-techie user, I'd rather get them something with a 250GB HDD, vs a 128GB SSD.
wel it depends, I have a laptop with 1000gb of storage on it, but I'm only using about 175gb. but I have a lot of games and a few big programs on it, so 128 might be enough, but its cutting it close
unless they are going to download a lot of stuff or install big games it should be ok though doesnt sound a lot compared to mechanical drives

if you were installing a ssd yourself 250/256gb would be the size to price ratio to go for


If it is the only drive, 128GB is rather slim. Especially if they are not into managing that drive space.
Very quickly, they'll have you on the phone asking what to do.

The only way to increase is to put in another drive.
Some laptops can take a second drive. Some can't.
depends--some laptops you can remove cd/dvd drives if it has one and put in a second hard drive

or you could just buy a bigger ssd and swap that into it yourself

as said would depend who is using it if they are careful its doable

No, for multiple reasons.
Slow, limited reliability, easy to lose.

Just get a laptop with a proper size drive. Either HDD or SSD, whatever fits in the budget.
240GB minimum.

For a non-techie user, I'd rather get them something with a 250GB HDD, vs a 128GB SSD.